Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (2024)

Below is an overview of the important points of the German traffic code basedon my interpretation of the current Straßenverkehrs-Ordnung (Road Traffic Ordinances), what I have read on other sites,as well as contributions by readers.

On this page:

  • Licensing
  • General laws and enforcement
  • Right-of-way
  • Speed limits
  • Passing/overtaking
  • Drinking and driving
  • Parking regulations
  • Urban traffic regulations
  • Traffic calming zones
  • Bicycle lanes, streets, and zones
  • Autobahn traffic regulations
  • Additional prohibitions
  • Accidents
  • Other sites of interest
Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (1)

Probably the most important section for foreigners is the right-of-way discussion.
When you're done here, you can test your knowledge on this page!


The minimum age to drive in Germany in 18. Ifyou are visiting Germany and will not be establishing residency, then your owndriver's license from your home country, state, or province is valid inGermany for as long as you're there. If you will beestablishing residency in Germany, your driver's license is valid for six monthsfrom the date when permanent residency is established, which inpractice is generally assumed to be the date you enter thecountry. You will have to obtain a German driver's license inorder to continue driving after that six month grace periodexpires. If your residency will be for longer than six monthsbut less than one year (and you can legally prove it), you can obtain a sixmonth extension to use your existing license.

International Driving Permit

There is a bit of confusion and disagreement on whether foreigners need toalso have an International Driving Permit (IDP).With recent international agreements on standardizing driver licenseformats, you generally will no longer need an IDP if your license is inthe numbered format; that is, each of the elements ofinformation on your license (name, date of birth, etc.) is numbered,similar to the example below. If so, then that license is accepted inGermany without the need for an IDP. This is because thepolice know what the numbered attributes on your license correspond to, which wasthe purpose of the IDP.

If your license does not have those numbers, then you'resupposed to carry an official translation of your license in addition to the license itself.This is where IDP comes in. You will need to purchase one in your homecountry before leaving for Germany. In theUS, these are available from AAA for $20 plus two passport photos.

That said, I have found that if you speak German well enough, you canprobably get by without an IDP and, should you get into a situation whereyou need to have your license translated, you can get one from the ADAC automobileclub for about €40. If you're unsure or just want to be safe,my recommendation is to get an IDP before you go.

It's important to keep in mind that an IDPdoes not replace your official driver's license — itis just a translation of it in an internationally recognized format. You must carry yourofficial license with your IDP in order for it to be valid.

Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (2)

Example US driver's license with numbered elements

If you will be living in Germany

If you will be in stationed in Germany with the US military, you will need to obtain adriver's license issued by the US Armed Forces. See theUSAREUR driver's handbook at,then come back here for a supplemental guide!

If you are not affiliated with the US military and are going to be living in Germanylonger than one year, you will need to get a German Driver's License (Führerschein)If you have a valid license in your home country and havenot lived in Germany for more than three years, you may be able toconvert your existing license. The processstarts with a visit to the local traffic office (Straßenverkehrsamt).What happens next will depend on where you hail from. Germanyhas reciprocal agreements with many countries and US states allowingdriver's licenses to be converted. If you're lucky, you mayhave to do nothing more than fill-out some paperwork (although after youfinally finish all the required forms, you may wonder just how luckyyou really are!) If not, you may still get off only having totake the written test. Otherwise, you'll have to go throughthe whole testing procedure, just like the Germans do. Note,though, that when a conversion is possible, only holders of non-commercialvehicle licenses can convert their existing license to a German license.

If your license was issued in one of the following US states, you can convert yourlicense to a German license without any testing: Alabama, Arizona,Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky,Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Mexico, Ohio,Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah,Virginia, West Virginia, Washington (state), Wisconsin, Wyoming, andPuerto Rico.

Licenses from these US states require the applicant to take just the written test:Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Indiana, Minnesota,Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, Oregon, and Tennessee.

For a complete and current list of all US states, Canadian provinces, and othercountries with reciprocal license agreements, see the sites listed inthe links section at the bottom of this page.

Conversion oflicenses from all other US states will require you to take both thewritten and practical (road) tests. In all cases, youwill have to take a vision test, which is usually administeredby a commercial eye doctor (at your own expense, of course.) Youmay also be required to take a first-aid class.

If you can convert your license without testing, simply complete the requiredpaperwork and submit it. If you have to take the writtentests, it will be given at the traffic office. The test consists ofsections covering laws, signs, vocabulary, theory, and energyconservation. To prepare for the test, you can study thissite and/or take a course at a German driving school (Fahrschule).Be wary, though — you just want the short laws and signs class, not thefull driving course. The latter course currently costs around€1,500 and consists of 25-45 hours of instruction, including12 hours of theory, and oodles of practical experience including night andAutobahn driving. Make sure you ask for the special class fornew residents. If a school tells you they don't offer it, findone that does.

If you have to take the practical on-the-road test, it will be conducted by a drivingschool (not at the traffic office as is often the case in the US) and will lastabout an hour. It will most likely include ashort trip on the Autobahn. If you need practice, mostdriving schools offer short courses to prepare for the practical test aswell. Once you pass these tests, you will take the paperwork to thetraffic office where you will be awarded a Germandriver's license valid for the rest of your life!

Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (3)

German driver's license

General laws and enforcement

The basic premise of German traffic law is the "doctrine of confidence", which in effectsays that motorists must be alert, know nad obey the law, and drive defensivelyat all times so that all motorists and other road users (includingpedestrians) can have confidence in each other. Motoristsmust be especially alert for and anticipate the actions of elderly or disabledpedestrians or children, all of whom are exempt from the doctrine ofconfidence. All road users must act to prevent endangering,hindering, and unreasonably inconveniencing other road users.

Traffic in Germany and all of continentalEurope drives on the right side of the road (not on the left, as manyAmericans think.)

Safety equipment

Seatbelts must be worn by all passengers. Childrenunder 12 years old or shorter than 150cm may not sit in the frontseat unless they are in an approved child safety seat and there is noroom in the back seat (or there is no back seat.) However,you may not use a child safety seat in the front seat if there is anactive airbag.

Always lock your vehicle and take the keys whenever you leave it. You should leaveyour doors unlocked while driving to facilitate rescue in anaccident.

It is illegal to drive with your parking lightsonly; you must use your headlights at night and during inclementweather.

Motorcyclists and moped riders must ride with helmets and headlightson at all times.

Vehicles must carry a warning triangle (Warndreieck),safety vest (Warnweste), and a super-duper highway first aid kit (Pkw-Verbandkasten)in which I defy you to find a simple band-aid. Germany does notrequire a fire extinguisher (Feuerlöscher)to be carried, but it's not a bad idea to have one anyway.

In the event your vehicle becomes disabled due to a breakdown or crash, youare required to turn on your hazard flashers (Warnblinklicht) and place your warning triangle100meters behind your vehicle (200meterson the Autobahn), although I rarely see anyone actually put it that far back.


Drivers must have third-party liability insurance and must carry proof of that insurance ("green card", Versicherungskarte)as well as proof of ownership (Fahrzeugschein, Zulassungsbescheinigung) at alltimes.


Most moving-violation enforcement in Germany is done via enforcementcameras. Permanent and temporary cameras (Blitzer) — both automated and manually-operated — are used to catch speeders, red-lightviolators, and tailgaters. Older cameras look like a box with one or more lenses on a poleor tripod, but modern cameras are a gray column with three or more dark rings.Sometimes an obscure sign like the one below will warn you of the existence of sucha camera, but it might be too late by the time you see it.

Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (4)Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (5)

Photo enforcement

Photo enforcement warning sign (left) and typical contemporaryspeed enforcement camera column (right).

(Photos by Brian Purcell)

Citations for violations caught by enforcement cameras are mailed to theregistered owner of the vehicle within a few weeks. If you're driving a rentalcar, the ticket will go to the rental agency. They, in turn, willreport you to the police as the driver of the vehicle (and likelycharge you a non-trivial administrative fee to do it) and the ticketwill be forwarded to you, although authorities sometimes dropcases against non-EU residents. An interesting footnote aboutautomated enforcement: the policestopped sending a copy of the photo a while back when several spousesdiscovered cases of infidelity when they opened the violationnotice. Now, you have to go to the police station yourself tosee the photo and contest it if you so desire. Such an effort isusually fruitless, though.

Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (6)Some enforcementis still done the old-fashioned way with police using both marked andunmarked vehicles looking for violations. If you get busted, the policevehicle will typically pass you and then you'll be signaled topull over by a "lollypop" traffic paddle (Anhaltekelle,see picture to the left) being held out of the window of the policevehicle and/or by a flashing sign on the back of the vehicle reading "Polizei — bitte folgen" ("police — please follow".) If this happens, reduce speed and followthe police vehicle — they'll lead you to a safe place to stop. Thenturn off the engine and wait for further instructions from theofficers. These vehicles typically have on-board cameras recording constantly and the video is used as evidenceif the violation is disputed or if you evade them.

In some cases, instead of being stopped using a vehicle, a police officer on theside of the road will motion for you to pull over. In these cases, a hidden policeunit further back observed a violation and radioed your vehicle'sdescription, or it may be a random traffic stop or checkpoint (Verkehrskontrolle)for general safety checks, sobriety checks, or for drug or othercriminal activity searches.

German policeofficers are very professional and typically courteous, so if you arestopped for any reason, remain calm and cooperative and you should befine. Most police officers speak English, so let themknow right way if you do not speak German. Be sure you know where thevehicle registration and insurance card are, especially if you have arental car (the rental agreement satisfies these requirements.) Alsoknow where the warningtriangle, safety vest, and first aid kit are — police often ask tocheck these during traffic stops. If you are stationed inGermany with the US military, you can ask the officer to contact thenearest US garrison military police if you feel that's necessary.

Fines and penalties

The police are allowed to collect "warning fines" (Verwarnungsgeld)of €5 to €55 for most minor traffic offenses on the spot. If you pay the spot fine, youare essentially pleading guilty to the charge and, once the fine ispaid, the matter is considered settled. If you don't haveenough cash on hand, you can usually pay with a credit/debit card, and in manycases now, police will not accept cash payments.

If you are unable or unwilling to pay (you have the legal right to do soif you wish to contest it), the police can demand collateral to ensure you will appear in court.Often, this can mean the vehicle or some valuable object in yourpossession is impounded. In most cases, however, if you live inGermany, you'll probably just be issued a citation toappear in court later, and if you're a foreigner, you may be let offwith just a verbal or written warning.

Note that if you refuse to pay the spotfine and go to court, you may be assessed a higher fine (Bußgeld) there, and somefines are based on your income.

You need not fear when payingspot fines — the German police are very professional and corruption isvery rare, and you will always be given a receipt for the payment.

Some traffic violations are considered to be felonies and may be punishable byimprisonment if lives or property are endangered. Theseinclude driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, leaving the scene ofan accident, illegal passing, U-turns and wrong-way driving orbacking-up on the Autobahn, running a red light, failure to yield theright-of-way, and reckless driving including excessive speeding.

Germany operates a point system for driving offenses. Most minor violationsaccrue one to four points, with more serious violations earning five or morepoints. Points for minor offenses are expunged after threeyears; other offenses will remain on the record for five to 10 years dependingon the offense. Motorists who exceed four points on theirrecord at any given time can attend a driving safety class to eliminate fourpoints from their record (two points if the total is greater thannine.) Those who accumulate 14 points are required to attendthe safety class. They may then voluntarily obtain counselingfrom a traffic psychologist (yep, there is such a thing) to eliminate twopoints from their record. Anyone who accumulates 18 or more points will have theirlicense suspended indefinitely. The agency that records traffic points is inthe city of Flensburg, so references about the traffic point systemoften use that name. The US military also has a pointsystem that varies somewhat from the German system.


Germany uses a hierarchical system to assign right-of-way (Vorfahrt,Vorrang) at intersections as follows:

  • Police officer: A police officerdirecting traffic overrides all othertraffic controls. Officers sometimes use obvious motions suchas waving and pointing to direct traffic. However, if an officer is notmotioning, then the position of the officer indicates if you must stopor can proceed:

    • An officer standing with bothshoulders facing you (sometimes with arms outstretched)means you must stop and wait. This applies to traffic both infront of and behind the officer. In German, they say, "Siest du Brust oder Rücken,musst du auf die Bremse drücken.", which translates as "Ifyou see the chest or back, you must step on the brake." (Yeah, it soundsbetter in German.)

    • An officer standing with just one shoulderfacing you (again, possibly with arms outstretched) meansyou may proceed straight ahead or turn right. ("Siehst du die Hosennaht, hastdu freie Fahrt", or "If you see the pants seam,you have free travel.") If you want to turnleft, wait until the officer directly motions for you to turn; this maybe done by the officer pointing one hand toward youand his other hand or wand to your left, oftentimes whilemaking eye contact.

    • If the officer has one arm in the air,he or she is preparing to change the traffic flow(equivalent to a yellow light.) All approaching traffic must stop, andthose in the intersection must vacate it.

Officers directing traffic may use a black andwhite striped wand or a traffic paddle ("lollypop", see photoabove.)

Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (7)Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (8)Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (9)

Police officer signaling "stop"

Police officer signaling all traffic to stop, be ready for change of control

Police officer signaling "go"

(Images from US military driving manual)

  • Traffic signals: Traffic signals are thenext highest right-of-way control. Traffic signals are discussed in detail on the Signs, Signals, and Markings page. Remember that you cannot turn right on red in Germany unlessthere is a green arrow sign Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (10) nextto the signal, in which case you must come to acomplete stop first and yield to all other trafficincluding pedestrians before turning.

  • Signs: Signs are the most common right-of-way control. Germany and Europe usea system of "priority roads" (Vorfahrtstraße) to assignright-of-way. Priority roads are marked with the "priority road" sign Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (11). Traffic on apriority road has the right-of-way ("priority") over other traffic at all intersections alongthe way. Intersecting streets will have a yield or stopsign. The "yield" signRules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (12)indicates that you must give the right-of-way, but you don't have to stop if the way isclear. The "stop" sign Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (13)indicates that you must first come to a complete stop, then proceed when the way isclear. (Note to Americans: You will find far fewer stop signs in Germany than in the US. Yield signs or no signs at all are the right-of-way control of choice in Germany.)

    Often, priority roads make turns at intersections in towns.These turns are indicated by an accompanying schematic signRules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (14)on all approaches to the intersection showing the priority road with a thick line. On the schematic,you are always approaching from the bottom. Traffic leaving the priority roadmust yield to other traffic continuing along the priority road but still has theright-of-way over traffic on the other streets. By the way, ifyou are following a priority road that turns, you still must use yourturn signal.

    Priority roads are cancelled by the "end of priority road"sign Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (15) or by a yield or stop sign. On roads that are not priority roads, right-of-way maybe granted at individual intersections by the "priority" signRules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (16).This sign indicates that you have the right-of-way only at the next intersection. It should not beconfused with the "uncontrolled intersection" sign Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (17) whichindicates that right-of-way must be given to the traffic approachingfrom the right at the next intersection.

    Be aware that right-of-way signs are also usually posted at signalizedintersections; however, the signal takes precedence over the signsunless the signal is not operating, in which case the signs then govern.

    Also, note that the "end of traffic calming zone" sign Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (18)and "end of pedestrian zone" sign Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (19)also require drivers to yield to all other traffic including pedestrians.

  • Default right-of-way scheme: If there isno police officer, no signal, or no sign indicating the right-of-way, then the following default scheme isused:

    • Public road has priority:Traffic on public highways has priority overprivate drives, forest and farm paths, and dirt roads. Also,sunken curbstones ("curb cut") across your roadway indicate that youmust yield.

    • "Right before left":When two public roads cross at anuncontrolled intersection, then right-of-way is always given to trafficapproaching from the right ("rechts vor links".) Thisincludes "T" intersections! In the US, traffic on the throughstreet of a "T" has the right-of-way, but in Germany, you must yield to the right, evenif you are on the through road. This also includes the raresituation where a main thoroughfare and small side street cross at anuncontrolled intersection. Uncontrolled intersections are sometimes markedwith the "uncontrolled intersection" sign Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (20),especially if the intersection and/or right-of-way situation isunexpected.

    • Zipper rule:When traffic is congested,the normal right-of-way rules go out the window and the "zipper rule" (Reißverschlussverfahren)goes into effect. This means that cars feed one at a timealternating from each direction, regardless of who has the postedright-of-way. The zipper rule also applies when onelane ends and merges into another — each vehicle in the through lane must allowone vehicle from the truncated lane to merge in.

Other right-of-way rules

  • In situations of otherwise equal right-of-way, vehicles going straight have priority,followed by right turns; left turns go last.

  • Traffic entering a roundabout technically has the right-of-way unless theentrance is marked with both a "yield" sign Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (21) and"roundabout" sign Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (22) (which it almost always is.) (Footnote: you must use your turn signal when you exit a roundabout, but not as you approach orenter it as in some other countries.)

  • Emergency vehicles with a flashing blue light and siren sounding always have theright-of-way at intersections. Outside of intersections, you mustpull-over to the right-hand side of the roadwhen one approaches.

  • Pedestrians always have the right-of-way in a crosswalk.The "pedestrian crossing" sign Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (23)marks a zebra crossing where you are required to reduce speed andyield to pedestrians in or approaching the crosswalk.You may not stop or park on or within 5 meters of the crosswalkand may not overtake another vehicle.

  • You should yield to streetcars at intersections. Do not pass a stoppedstreetcar if it is discharging passengers directly onto the street. Youmay continue on after the doors have closed.

  • Yield to buses leaving a marked bus stop.

  • On narrow road sections, the "priority over oncoming traffic" sign Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (24) givesyou the right-of-way over oncomingtraffic, and the "yield to oncoming traffic" sign Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (25)means you must yield to oncoming traffic.

  • On narrow mountainous roads, traffic going uphill hasthe right-of-way if not otherwise marked.

  • On roads where passing is difficult or not allowed, slower traffic is required to pullover when possible to allow faster traffic to go by (waysides orpull-outs are sometimes provided for this purpose.)

  • Do not enter an intersection if traffic is backed-up on the other side of the junction,even if you have a green light.

  • Vehicles entering an Autobahn or expressway must yield to other traffic alreadyon the main roadway.

  • When required to yield, drivers must make it clear to other motorists that they are preparingto yield, e.g. reduce your speed sufficiently before the intersection, and only proceed when traffic with theright-of-way is not endangered or hindered.

  • If you are required to yield and the view of the intersecting roadway is obstructed, you maycarefully edge forward into the intersection until you have a clear view.

  • Drivers must never assert their right-of-way — safety takes precedence in allsituations.

Speed limits

The speed limit sign is a number inside a red ring Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (26). Speedlimits are shown in kilometers per hour.

There is a set of general or "default" statutory speed limits (Geschwindigkeitbeschränkung, Geschwindigkeitbegrenzung, Tempolimit)that apply in the absence of signs:

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Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (30)Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (31)
Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (32)Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (33)
Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (34)
Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (35)
Within urban areas
Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (36)Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (37)Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (38)
Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (39)
Outside urban areas
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Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (43)Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (44)
Autobahns and Expressways
Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (45)Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (46)Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (47)

Posted speed limits, of course, supersede the statutory limits.

In some cases, buses, trucks, and vehicles towing a trailer may be exempt from the general limitfor their vehicle class. In this case, they will have a decal resembling a speed limit signRules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (48) displayed on the back of their vehicle indicating the speed they are authorized to travel.

Beware of "speed limit zone" sign Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (49).These indicate the speed limit for an entire neighborhood, and the speed limit onthe sign remains in effect on all streets beyond this sign until you passan "end of speed limit zone" sign Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (50).

Here are a few other points about speed limit signs to be aware of:

  • Although the "end of speed limit" signs Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (51)will only show the last posted speed limit, it actuallycancels all previous posted limits and indicates a return to thestatutory speed limit for the road you are on. For example, you'retraveling down a rural road at the statutory speedlimit of 100km/h whenyou come to a "speed limit 80" sign Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (52), so youslow down to 80. A hundred meters or so further, you come to a"speed limit60" sign Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (53), so youslow down to 60. After a while, youpass an "end speed limit 60" sign Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (54). Whatspeed do you return to? The answer is the statutory speedlimit of 100km/h. The "endspeed limit 60" sign Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (55)cancels all previous posted speed limits, not just the 60km/h limit.

  • Whenever a speed limit sign is mounted beneath a warning sign, the speedlimit applies until you pass the hazard indicated on thewarning sign. For instance, if you you come to a "traffic signals ahead" signRules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (56) witha "speed limit 60" sign Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (57) below it, the 60km/h speed limit is in effect only until you pass the traffic signals, after whichyou can then return to the statutory speed limit if no other speed limitsigns are posted.

  • The "end of all restrictions" signRules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (58) indicates the end of all previous posted speed limits and the end of any no passingzones. However, remember that the statutory speedlimit for that roadway still applies.

Other speed limits

  • When fog reduces visibility to less than 50 meters, the maximum speed youmay drive is 50km/h.

  • When a public transit bus or marked school bus is stopped at a bus stop with its hazard lights flashing, trafficin both directions may only pass at a speed of 7km/h or less (i.e. "walking pace".)

  • Whenever a child, elderly, or handicapped person is near the road, driversare required to remove their foot from the accelerator and be preparedto stop. German courts have upheld that the driver isultimately responsible for preventing accidents in these situations no matter theactions of the pedestrian.


Passing or overtaking is prohibited in the following situations:

  • When there is a solid white line on your side of the center of the road and/or a "no passing" signRules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (59)
  • At or approaching pedestrian crosswalks
  • At or on the approach to a railway crossing (i.e. between the initial warning signand the crossing)

Do not overtake a public transit bus or marked school bus that is approachinga marked stop with its hazard lights flashing. You may slowly and carefullycontinue pass the bus once it has stopped.

When passing another vehicle:

  • You may not exceed the speed limit.
  • You must use turn signals before pulling out to the left and again when returning tothe right lane.
  • You must return to the right lane as soon as safely possible without endangeringor impeding the vehicle you are overtaking.

Drivers being overtaken must allow plenty of space for the passing vehicle tocomplete their maneuver and must slow down to accomplish this ifnecessary. It is illegal (and stupid, frankly) to speed-up to preventbeing passed.

Passing on theright is prohibited except on multilane roads (including the Autobahn)when traffic in the left lane is stopped or is moving at less than 60km/h.In those cases, traffic in the right lane may not exceed 80km/h.Passing on the right is also allowed on roads controlled bytraffic signals, although in practice traffic is typically traveling atless than 60km/h in those cases anyway.

On roads where passing is difficult or not allowed, slower traffic is required to pullover when possible to allow faster traffic to go by (waysides orpull-outs are sometimes provided for this purpose.)

When passing cyclists, e-scooters, or pedestrians, drivers must maintain abuffer of 1.5 meters in built-up areas and 2 meters outside built-upareas.

Drinking and driving

The penalties fordriving under the influence in Germany are harsh. Severepenalties are assessed to first time offenders, usually including thesuspension of your license. The blood-alcohol limit for most drivers is0.05%. For drivers who commit a moving violation or are involved in acrash, the limit drops to 0.03%. For drivers under 21 and drivers withless than two years experience, the limit is 0.00%. The limit forbicyclists is 0.16%. If you are involved in a crash, the courts may determinewhether alcohol was a factor even if your blood alcohol content isbelow the limit.

With the high alcohol content of German adult beverages, it doesn't take long to hit thelimit. The best advice is this: if you drink AT ALL, don'tdrive! Don't forget that driving under theinfluence of drugs (prescription or recreational) is also illegal.

Parking regulations

In Germany, you are considered "parked" if you leave your vehicle or if you stop/standfor longer than 3 minutes unless you are actively boarding ordischarging passengers or loading or unloading cargo.

You may not park:

  • Within 5 meters on either side of an intersection, or within 8 meters of anintersection if there is a marked bicycle lane
  • In front of driveway entrances or exits, or on the opposite side of the street ifthe roadway is too narrow to allow vehicles to enter or exit thedriveway
  • If parking will obstruct the use of marked parking places
  • Within 15 meters on either side of a bus or streetcar stop marked with a "bus orstreetcar stop" sign Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (60)
  • Within 50 meters on either side of a "railway crossing" signRules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (61) whenoutside of urban areas or within 5 meters when inside an urban area
  • On a priority road outside of urban areas
  • In front of a curb-cut or wheelchair ramp
  • Adjacent to a traffic island or median
  • On the street side of another parked vehicle ("double parked")
  • On a marked bicycle lane
  • Anywhere there is an "X" or "N" pavement marking
  • Anywhere there is a "no parking" signRules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (62)on the same side of the street

You may not stop or stand (which includes parking):

  • On narrow roads or in blind spots
  • Near sharp curves
  • On or within 5 meters approaching a pedestrian crosswalk
  • On railway crossings or tracks
  • Within 10 meters in front of "yield"Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (63), "stop"Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (64), or"railway crossing" Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (65)signs, or traffic signals, if parking would obstruct the view of the sign or signal
  • In or adjacent to turn lanes (those marked with arrows on the pavement)
  • In front of and approaching a fire station driveway
  • Within a traffic circle or roundabout
  • At a taxi stand marked with a "taxi stand" signRules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (66)
  • On the Autobahn
  • Anywhere there are "zig-zig" pavement markings
  • Anywhere there is a "no stopping" signRules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (67)on the same side of the street

Except where prohibited (see above), on-street parking is generallypermitted. When you park, there must be a gap of a least 3 metersbetween your vehicle and the middle of the street or the nearest laneline. In many places, you may park partially or entirely on the sidewalk tofulfill this requirement, but look for signs permitting this Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (68) (orother vehicles doing so) before you do it. If you do, make surethere is sufficient room for pedestrians on the sidewalk. Vehiclesover 2.8t may not park on the sidewalk.

You must park on the right side of the street unless:

  • You are on a one-way street and parking on the left would leave sufficient room forvehicles to pass.
  • There are rails along the right side.

You may not park, stop, or stand in a traffic lane if there is a shoulder or parking laneunless, of course, you are stopping to comply with a traffic sign orsignal or due to congestion.

When parking on a street at night, you must use your parking lights unless you are parkednear an all-night streetlight. Streetlights that do notremain on for the entire night are marked by a white and red bandRules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (69)around the lamppost.

The "parking area" signRules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (70)indicates where parking is permitted onstreets or gives directions to an off-street parkingfacility. When used to mark on-street parking, it is usuallyaccompanied by additional signs indicating when parking is permitted, who is permittedto park, or that the use of a parking permit, voucher, or disc isrequired. For more information on finding parking in citiesand using parking facilities, see the Driving and Parking in German Citiespage.

Parking control zones

The "parking restriction zone" sign Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (71)indicates the entrance to an area or neighborhood where there is a general parkingrestriction. All streets beyond this sign are included in thisrestriction until you pass an "end of parking restriction zone" sign Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (72).

The "parking management zone" signRules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (73)indicates the entrance to an area or neighborhood where parking is permitted on all streets in the area with the use of aparking disc or voucher as indicated by a supplemental sign. Therequirements apply to all streets beyond this sign until you pass an "end of parkingmanagement zone" signRules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (74).

Parking vouchers, discs, and meters

Signage for on-street parking may require you to use a voucher,disc, or meter that limits the length of time you may park. Seethe Driving and Parking inGerman Cities page for information on using each of these systems.


Parking fines range from €10 to €110. If you areobstructing traffic or a driveway, your vehicle will, with greatTeutonic efficiency, almost surely become the temporary property of thepolice. In such an event, you will have to pay a towing charge inaddition to the fine; contact the police to settle thesituation.

Urban traffic regulations

The "entering urban area" signRules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (75)marks the entrance to a built-up area. Upon passing this sign, several specialtraffic regulations go into effect:

  • Speed limit: 50km/h
  • You may not honk your horn except when necessary to avoid a collision.
  • Parking is prohibited within 5 meters of a railroad crossing.
  • You must ensure that your vehicle can be seen when parked at night. Thismay require the use of parking lights if street lighting is inadequateor does not remain on all night. Such lights are marked by a red and white bandRules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (76)

The "leaving urban area" signRules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (77)indicates that you are leaving a built-up area and its associated trafficregulations. The following general regulations apply:

  • Speed limit: 100km/h
  • Parking is prohibited on priority roads.
  • Parking is prohibited within 50 meters of a railroad crossing.
  • Disabled vehicles must be marked with a warning triangle.

Traffic calming zones

Traffic calming zones (Verkehrsberuhigtezone)are usually implemented on small residential streets. The start of a traffic calming zone ismarked by the "traffic calming zone" signRules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (78)and the "end of traffic calming zone" signRules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (79)marks the exit from such a zone. Within traffic calming zones, the following rules apply:

  • Traffic must maintain the lowest possible speed — no more than 7km/h.
  • Pedestrians may use the entire street, and children are permitted to play in the street.
  • Motorists may not endanger or hinder pedestrians; when necessary, motorists must wait.
  • Pedestrians may not unnecessarily hinder traffic.
  • Parking is not permitted outside of marked spaces except for boarding/discharging and loading/unloading.
  • When leaving the zone, you must yield to all other traffic.

Bicycle lanes, streets, and zones

Bicycle lanes (Fahrradspur) are present on many urban streets. They can be marked with either asolid line or broken line. When marked with a solid line, motor vehicles may not drive or park in the lane,and may only turn across the lane to access driveways or parking spaces and must yield to bicycles in the lanewhen doing so. When a broken line is used, motorists may drive in the bike lane when necessary to pass oncoming traffic, and may park in the lane briefly to make deliveries.

Bicycle streets (Fahrradstraße) and zones (Fahrradzone)are the latest trend in traffic calming in Germany.

The entrance or beginning of a bicycle street ismarked by the "bicycle street" signRules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (80)and the exit or end is marked by the "end bicycle street" signRules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (81).These are typically smaller residential streets that provideconnectivity between major roadways for cyclists. In many cases,supplemental signs indicate that motor vehicles are also allowed onthese streets, although frequently only in one direction (whereasbicycles can travel in both directions.)

The following rules apply on bicycle streets:

  • Only bicycles are permitted unless other vehicles are allowed by a supplemental sign.Small electric vehicles, such as e-scooters, are also allowed.
  • The maximum speed limit for all vehicles is 30km/h.
  • Unless indicated otherwise, pedestrians, roller skaters, and smallchildren on bicycles must use the sidewalk except when crossing the street.
  • Motorists may not endanger or hinder bicyclists; when necessary, motorists must reduce speed.
  • Bicyclists may ride 2 or more abreast.
  • Regular right-of-way rules apply.

The bicycle street concept is expanded to an entire neighborhood with the"bicycle zone" signRules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (82).The same rules as a bicycle street apply on all streets beyond this signuntil the "end of bicycle zone" signRules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (83)is reached.

Autobahn traffic regulations

Special rules apply when driving on the Autobahn. These are listed on theAutobahn page.

Additional prohibitions

  • Mobile phones: Use of mobile phones is prohibited while your vehicle is in operation. Theonly time you are permitted to use a mobile phone is if you are parked andthe engine is off. You may use a hands-free mobile phonewhen driving if it does not impede your ability to hear traffic sounds.

  • Sunday truck ban: Vehicles witha gross permitted weight of 7.5 tons or more (with several exceptions)are prohibited from all public roads on Sundays and public holidaysfrom midnight to 10:00pm. This is to help prevent traffic jams.

  • Low emissions zones: Since 2008, local governmentshave been permitted to establish so-called"environmental zones" (Umweltzone.) Entry to these zones, marked with"low emissions restriction zone" signsRules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (84),is restricted to vehicles displaying a green colored emissions sticker. Since2018, some cities also have begin restricting older diesel vehicles fromcertain roads, districts, or citywide. Further information on these zones is on theDriving and Parking in German Cities page.

  • Nuisances: Motorists areprohibited from unnecessarily revving their motors or slamming theircar doors excessively. It is also illegal to drive back andforth unnecessarily (i.e. "cruising") in towns.


If the unfortunate should happen and you should be involved in a collision,the steps to take are basically similar to those in the US and mostother places. Here's a list of what you should do:

  • Stop immediately. This also applies if you are not directlyinvolved in the accident but are a witness. Germany's GoodSamaritan law also requires you to stop and render aid if people needhelp, even if you are not a party to or did not witness the accident.

  • Secure theaccident site by switching on your hazard flashers (Warnblinklicht).Put your safety vest (Warnweste) on and place awarning triangle 100 meters behind the scene (200 meters on the Autobahn.) (A good rule ofthumb is that the black and white roadside markers are generally about50 meters apart.)

  • If anyone is injured, call for an ambulance and the police. From a cell phone orpublic phone, dial 112. On the Autobahn and some major highways, youcan use the nearest emergency telephone — the direction to the nearest one ismarked by arrows atop the black and white posts along the roadside. You arerequired by the German "Good Samaritan Law" to give first aid to anyinjured persons. Remember that super-duper first aid kit you'resupposed to carry? This is the time to use it. Do notmove anybody that is injured unless it is absolutely necessary. Ifthere is a fire or spilled fuel, get everyone involved away from thevehicles and call the fire department.

  • If nobody is injured, and the vehicles can be moved safely, you should mark thelocation of each vehicle, then move them out of traffic. Youcan mark the locations either by taking photographs, drawing a diagram of the site andvehicles, or using "traffic accident chalk" (Verkehrsunfallmarkierungskreide) to mark thephysical locations of the vehicles on the pavement before you movethem; many German automotive emergency kits include a stick of this chalk (it looks like a big yellow or white crayon.)

  • Exchange information with the other drivers including your driver's license,passport, insurance green card, and rental information. As aforeigner, it is in your best interest to then call the police to thescene (if you haven't already) and have them take a report (dial 110 oruse an emergency phone.) This ensures that all the properlegal requirements are satisfied and helps protect you from future problems.

  • The police may ask you or your passengers to make a statement regarding thecircumstances of the accident. You are not required to make astatement, but you still must provide valid identification and otherlegal documents (e.g. car registration, insurance, etc.) and must signthe accident report.

  • Do not sign any documents unless you know what you are signing. Neversign documents from people (other than uniformed police) who mysteriouslyappear at an accident scene — there have been reports of "helpfulbystanders" (Unfallhelfer) who attempt to get those involved inan accident to sign powers of attorney, loan applications, car rental agreements, and otherdubious documents in the confusion.

  • If you damage an unoccupied vehicle, German law requires you to wait at the scene forat least 30 minutes for the owner to return. If the ownerdoes not return, you must then report the accident to the police inperson. As a foreigner, it is probably best to call the policeto the scene rather than go to a police station. You might evenwant to do this immediately instead of waiting for the owner to return.

  • Once the police have cleared you, you can leave the scene. If you aredriving a rental car, you should contact the rental agency immediatelyto report the incident. They will give you instructions onwhat to do next and will dispatch a tow truck if necessary. Ifyour accident happens on the Autobahn, your vehicle may be towed off theAutobahn immediately by the police.

  • If you need further legal assistance or advice after an accident, you shouldcontact the nearest consulate or embassy. If you are a memberof the national auto club in your home country (e.g. AAA in the US), theGerman ADAC auto club may also be able to assist you as they havereciprocal agreements with most national auto clubs.

Other sites of interest

Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (85)Official Straßenverkehrs-Ordnung
Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (86)Traffic violation penalty catalog
Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (87)List of US states and Canadian provinces with reciprocal license agreements (US states only)
Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (88)List of other countries with reciprocal license agreements
Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (89)US military driver's handbook for Germany
Rules of the Road - Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany (2024)


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.